I met David Sim in Cyprus in 1998, when my wife and I were still living there. David lives with his wife Christina in the beautiful village of Pissouri. Always humorous and very pleasant to be with, we have spent fun and memorable times together.
It was only until recently I have discovered he is such a magnificent writer too!
It doesn’t matter if you think you can,
Or you think you can’t,
You are very probably right.
David's books on Amazon
Many of Dave’s readers have commented about his novels as being ‘a breath of fresh air.’ Each contains people and events which are believable, attainable, and far removed from the satanic, heraldic, often weird, surreality which publishers have forced on their readers in recent years.
“Of course authors will write what the publisher wants.” says David.
“However there’s an element of the blind leading the blind, and editors rarely take time to read genuine, real life drama. They churn out volumes of repeat type material which in my opinion is sickening the readership.
Reviewers are clearly confused which of an author’s works was the better; in truth they were all the same. Some of today’s top authors might well have gained notoriety with one book.’ Sales, sales, sales, is what influences the monotony. Likewise the serialised versions concerning the same special agent or over-worked detective where in every case the reader knows before he even reads the story that the hero will win.
Years ago we tired of watching television series such as ‘Kojak’ ‘Ironside’ ‘Starskey and Hutch’ because of the sameness.”
Introducing interesting real but fictional characters involved in real attainable dramas about life is David’s forte. ‘It could happen to me.’ ~ Words that might pass through a reader’s mind.

David Sim
Pissouri, Cyprus
David Sim now lives with his wife Christina in a wonderful villa on the beautiful island of Cyprus. Now semi-retired, they still run a well established holiday accommodation agency.
Born a Scottish farmer’s son in 1940, he hated school except for playing in the football team, and soon after his fourteenth birthday he was allowed to leave. He wanted to grow potatoes, play football, and investigate the opposite sex. However he very soon regretted his indifference to education and suffered a degree of isolation from his own age group.
After a few years as under manager of the world’s biggest potato merchants, he farmed for a 20 year period in his own right. A surprising deviation in his life saw him working in the life assurance industry and thereby he soaked up more of the ‘stuff’ which makes up ‘the theatre of life.’
He laughs a lot and maybe has proved the saying, ‘laugh and grow fat’ – because he is a bulky chap. Once introduced to an audience as ‘This larger than life fellow.’ He met and married Christina in Scotland 25 years ago. They moved to her birthplace sunny Cyprus in 1998 and quickly integrated into the village life at Pissouri.
David Sim’s eBooks – Varied, exciting and destined for the top-selling lists.
Assumed Dead Or Alive – Is Janet, wife of a playboy millionaire, dead or alive? Her charming husband must find her in order that his luxurious lifestyle can proceed. A story that will tug at the heart strings and keep you turning the pages. Set in beautiful parts of the country, the reader will feel part of the scene.
The Blue Disk Enigma – Handsome, athletic, and single-minded, special agent Vince Laird is good at his trade; ‘very very good really!’ No matter what country, no matter whether it’s vivacious women or the desperate enemy forces, he stays focused on the job in hand. Quite apart from protecting his reputation, there’s a pay day to look forward to; A mere £10M in fact! – Others are determined to get there before him. Could this be the sad demise of a brilliant agent?
Silence Assured – International corruption, money laundering, drug and people trafficking, assassinations where and when necessary; Company accountant Simon Easterbrook has innocently become involved and wants to walk away. – Nobody walks away and lives! Simon’s family step into the breach but more barbarous deeds evolve. Can the perpetrators continue buying off the administrators of law and justice? This book will make you look twice at the ultra successful persons who exist in your town or city.
The Lady Was Not From England – We hear about the misfortunes falling upon others unexpectedly, and we subconsciously assume, ‘It will never happen to me.’ Loved and revered by all who knew her, village personality, Katerina Moore was too busy with her daily business and revelling in her marriage to smiling, laughing David. When their Utopian lifestyle was beset by traumatic events it resounded throughout the area and called upon this couple’s resolve. Institutional corruption emanating from the Cyprus authorities of law and order devastated Katerina and David’s lives. A murder mystery saw them involved with those whose investigation was intense. This story set in beautiful Cyprus will take the reader through the harrowing saga whilst intermittently laughing at the incorrigible David.
An Aversion To Mediocrity – A craving for adrenalin threatens to ruin the life of happy family man, and successful farmer Liam Weir. Corporate gambling, and the bookmaker’s shop become major addictions. But his most colourful involvement with married women hungry for his attention does most to quench his restless ways. A fascinating insight into the world of farming; the livestock markets; revelations concerning the gambling addictions including details of ‘the infallible bet.’ When Liam dramatically moves from farming into the life assurance industry it challenges his marriage. His new vocation sees him soaring to the top, but the continued involvement with women is set to change his life completely. Compelling – Controversial – Hilariously Funny.
David's books on Amazon
Me with David, Christina and friends, during our 2009 visit to Cyprus
Me with David, Christina and friends, during our 2009 visit to Cyprus