Congratulations on your remarkable achievement! Cherish this day for the rest of your life.
The black color of your new belt does not make you a Black Belt. Your attitude does.
You have persevered through your training, kept pushing even during the harsh COVID-19 months and you have learned so much! This is one of the attitudes that makes you a Black Belt and we applaud you for persisting and never quitting.
You are now a proud member of the DCR Black Belt Community. Remember that colour belt students will be looking up to you, therefore you must always show them The Way by being an example of stellar behavior and work ethic throughout your training and your personal lives outside of DCR.
You have made your family, your friends and yourselves very proud! Go celebrate! But always be humble. Bragging is not allowed. A Black Belt 2nd dan is beginning to get deeper into training. You have now acquired skills required for the study of even more advanced techniques.
Being a Black Belt is an attitude to govern your life all the time, not only when you are at DCR. This adds an extra level of responsibility for you as you grow. Help others when you can. Be kind with people, even when you disagree with them. Join the volunteer movement and give back. Treat your parents, elders and teachers with the utmost respect. Try to adjust in any situation and as you grow older learn how to conquer fear. The rewards will always be there for you – if you look closely into your heart.
Thank you for being attentive during our weekly special Black Belt preparation classes. Your improvement has been astonishing. We hope we will have you back in our future special preparation classes and coach you again for your next dan.
We are very proud of you!
Master Sasha Brunet, 4th dan
Instructor Al Poullis, 3rd dan